The Importance of Research

when i start this semester i am little confuse in taking the subjects then i found the lavel7 research method which is not only an important subject but also a necessity for me because i have to do the project in my next i choose research methods.its very interesting because it tech us that how to do the research on a specific topic which is very helpful for project work.

i learn so much in this subject.i learn the importance of research in it.i learn that the purpose of research is to inform action.  Thus, our study should seek to contextualize its findings within the larger body of research.  Research must always be high quality in order to produce knowledge that is applicable outside of the research setting with implications that go beyond the group that has participated in the research.  Furthermore, the results of our study should have implications for policy and project implementation.

In the end i say i learnt from my tutor and my course that a good research produces results that are examinable by peers, methodologies that can be replicated, and knowledge that can be applied to real-world situations.  Researchers work as a team to enhance our knowledge of how to best address the world’s problems.


Project Proposal

This blog is about to give a proposal for our project that we have to done in our next semester according to our area of stated in my previous blogs i am interested relating the biology with my proposal is same as of my my next semester i want to do a deep research on the Bioinformatics and computational biology.

what is Bioinformatics and computational biology?

The fields of bioinformatics and computational biology at aim to investigate questions about biological composition, structure, function, and evolution of molecules, cells, tissues, and organisms using mathematics, informatics, statistics, and computer science.

why i chose this field?

As i stated above its my area of interest.i also interested in it because its not only the computer based  field but also it covers the various fields which is quite interesting.

what are the outcomes during or after the research?

we know its a very wide area.Its the challenge of interpreting the vast amounts of data from microarrays and other high throughput technologies has led to the development of new tools in the fields of computational biology and bioinformatics, and opened exciting new connections to areas such as chemometrics, exploratory data analysis, statistics, machine learning, and graph theory.


VMware Virtual Networking

This week’s blog  is about describing My Field of Interest in Information Technology I am interested in networking.i had studied two subjects related to networking and i found it really interesting.i have dome 34 labs of NetApp and VMware.VMware is basically a rich set of networking capabilities that integrate well with sophisticated enterprise networks. These networking capabilities are provided by VMware ESX Server and managed by VMware VirtualCenter. With virtual networking, you can network virtual machines in the same way that you do physical machines and can build complex networks within a single ESX Server host or across multiple ESX Server hosts, for production deployments or development and testing purposes.


1. Three things you know about it

  • VMware is a suitable product for both small and big enterprises.
  • VMware is also used for cloud management.
  • it is the mature and reliable server virtualization solution of VMware that has been widely tested and proven, and offers most of the enterprise level functions that we need.
  • another cool and useful vSphere feature now has sharp edges on it.

2.Three things you believe about it

  • IT professionals know vSphere — it’s tried, tested and proven — and that’s what they want.
  • There shouldn’t be a need for multiple installation / patching / upgrade processes. so its easy to operate.
  • VMware has a clear leg up in this direction.

3.Three things you don’t know about it

  • I don’t know how to run old apps in unity mode of VMware.
  • I also don’t know how to access virus infected data in it.
  • I never have an idea about how to make a backup of my server for emergencies.

you can read my blogs for further detail of VMware labs.

e health

This week’s blog is about choosing another topic of our own interest in Information stated in my previous blogs i relate the bio field with the computers .now i explain you something about how we can save lives by using information technology.its called e health.



What is e-health?

e-health is an emerging field in the intersection of medical informatics, public health and business, referring to health services and information delivered or enhanced through the Internet and related technologies. In a broader sense, the term characterizes not only a technical development, but also a state-of-mind, a way of thinking, an attitude, and a commitment for networked, global thinking, to improve health care locally, regionally, and worldwide by using information and communication technology.

how it works?

eHealth is the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) for health. The eHealth unit works with partners at the global, regional and country level to promote and strengthen the use of information and communication technologies in health development, from applications in the field to global governance. The unit is based in the Department of Knowledge, Ethics and Research in the cluster of Health Systems and Innovation.

the videos given below explains more about it.

e health records

Its the main concern area of e health of keeping the records of the individual can also manage his/her accounts using this technique.this technique belongs to the Electronic health records have the potential to improve the delivery of health care services. However, in the United States, physicians have been slow to adopt such systems. This study assessed physicians’ adoption of outpatient electronic health records, their satisfaction with such systems, the perceived effect of the systems on the quality of care, and the perceived barriers to adoption.



Reading Academic Papers

Title of the paper:-

On The Design Of An Intelligent Sensor Network For Flash Flood Monitoring, Diagnosis And Management In Urban Areas.Position Paper

M. Anconaa,∗ , N. Corradib, A. Dellacasaa , G. Delzannoa , J.-L. Dugelayc , B. Federicid, P. Gourbesvillee , G. Guerrinia , A. La Cameraa , P. Rossof , J. Stephensg, A. Tacchellaa , G. Zolezzih.

Find out what you can about the author(s):-

it gives the full detail of the author and universities from which it belongs to.this information is given below.




Did the abstract tell you the three things I said it should? If not, what did it tell you?


“In this article author find the reasons behind  the climate changes in Europe show an increased frequency and intensity of heavy rainfalls and flash floods in urban areas.”

What the authors/researchers did and what they discovered?

the author purpose an propose an intelligent sensor system based on a new sensing methodology, relying also on 3D map reconstruction techniques, for computing with high precision, in real-time and without human intervention the parameters needed for stream-flow computation: water levels, morphology of the streams of all potentially flooded areas by each controlled stream. The collected data will be continuously transmitted, through a communication infrastructure, to software agents designed to compute the stream-flow and to quantify the spatial distribution of flood risk for each controlled watershed. The computed risks, together with other data coming from other sources (barometric sensors, camera operators of public organizations, emergency agencies, private citizens), will be analyzed by a diagnostic decision system implementing a risk-alert scheduling strategy. This system will be able to diagnose the health state of the controlled environment and to define specialized alarm levels for each potentially interested area that will be used to alert all citizens (ubiquity) locally present (alerting locality).

What seems to be the research question(s) they were trying to answer or the purpose of the paper?

This article provides the information about the design and working of  intelligent sensor system which find out the readings about the climate change.


Briefly describe the method(s) they used to answer the questions(s) – did this seem like a good way to try to answer the question? Why?

They did a case study on climate changes and the natural disasters occurs in the urban areas.they explain about the design and working of an artificial intelligence sensor system by which they note the readings about the climate changes before the disaster happens.Yes, Because when it comes to a new concept, needs to find out the existing characteristics of the technology we use to enhance those in the new concept. Therefore a case study will make a good way  to try to answer these research questions.

Did you agree with what they wrote in their conclusion? Do the results seem credible to you?

Yes i totally agree with the conclusion because everything related to the sensor and the advantages of it are mention in the also talk about the disadvantages of the system like it required a high definition version of the end i said I agree with them and results seems to be credible at this stage.

Do the references suggest that the paper is credible?


Briefly describe two things that you learnt from the paper

i learnt so many things in the paper.its a fruitful knowledge.i mention some below.

I learnt that“Features like buildings, constructed river banks or roads have a great effect on flow dynamics and flood propagation and only high-resolution input data can solve the purpose that relates to the systems topography …omissis… Differences of a few meters can means a lot in loss calculations in urban areas. LiDAR has brought this level of detail to the industry allowing for much more accurate flood prediction models to be create”

Does this paper help you to know more about your interest area?

Yes because i love to find the relation between the computer and the nature these type of things make me excited to read. because i want to know about the latest techniques by which we  find the more facts about the mother issue weather it is related to biology zoology or geography.i only want to learn about how technology related to the nature.

Academic Articles

First Article

Title :- Application and analysis of the virtual machine approach to information system security and isolation

Authors:-  stuart E.Madnick and John J.Donovan

the given screenshots give the more information about the authors.


APA Reference:- 

  1. Buzen, J. P., Peter P. Chen, and Robert P. Goldberg, “Virtual Machine Techniques for Improving System Reliability”, Proceedings of the ACM Workshop on Virtual Computer Systems, (March 26-27, 1973).
  2. S. Fabry, Dynamic verification of operating system decisions, Communications of the ACM, v.16 n.11, p.659-668, Nov. 1973[doi>10.1145/355611.362535]
  3. Goldberg, R. P., “Virtual Machines: Semantics and Examples”, Proceedings of. IEEE Computer Society Conference, (September 1971), 141-142.
  4. Goldberg, R. S., Architectural Principles for Virtual Computer Systems, PhD dissertation, Harvard University, (November 1972).
  5.  Madnick, S. E., “Time-Sharing Systems: Virtual Machine Concept vs. Conventional Approach”, Modern Data 2, 3 (March 1969), 34-36.
  6. Parmelee, R. P., T. I. Peterson, C. C. Tillman, and D. J Hatfield, “Virtual Storage and Virtual Machine Concepts”, IBM Systems Journal 11, 2 (1972), 99-130.

Keyword Search:- i found this article on google scholars by searching computer system security.

Kind of Article:- i think it is an academic article because when i read its abstracts it shows an academic approach towards the article.

Abstract:- Security is an important factor if the programs of independent and possibly malicious users are to coexist on the same computer system. In this paper we show that a combined virtual machine monitor/operating system (VMM/OS) approach to information system isolation provides substantially better software security than a conventional multiprogramming operating system approach. This added protection is derived from redundant security using independent mechanisms that are inherent in the design of most VMM/OS systems.

Reasons for believing it is an Academic article:-

  • i believe this is an academic article because i found it on the digital library official website and i attach the URL as a proof of it.

  • it has the proper publication details and further proceedings also.



References:- 6

Citations:- 24

  • Am i interested in this field ?

yes i am quite interested in the system security field because i think most of the threats happen in the computer system because of the lack of security.i think the security in a  any system should be high graded.

Second Article 

Title :- Data Security in the World of Cloud Computing.

Authors:- Lori M. Kaufman


APA Reference:- 

1. “Scientific Cloud
Computing: Early Definition and
Experience,” Proc. 10th Int’l Conf.
High-Performance Computing and
Communications (HPCC 08), IEEE
CS Press, 2008, pp. 825–830.
2. J. Urquhart, “The Biggest Cloud-
Computing Issue of 2009 is Trust,”
C-Net News, 7 Jan. 2009; http://
3. J.B. Horrigan, “Cloud Computing
Gains in Currency,” 12
Sept. 2008, http://pewresearch.
4. S. Singh, “Different Cloud Computing
Standards a Huge Challenge,”
The Economic Times, 4 June
2009; http://economictimes.india
5. “US Federal Cloud Computing
Market Forecast 2010–2015,” tabular
analysis, publication: 05/2009.

Keyword Search:- i search this article on google scholars by typing data security.

Kind of Article:- it seems to be an academic article because it is rich documented PDF file which includes the full information about the data security in cloud computing.

Reasons for believing it is an Academic article:-

  • i think it is an academic article because it is a pdf document which seems to be an academic paper.
  • it is credible because it gives the full information about the author which is given below.

Lori M. Kaufman is a deputy chief
technology officer at BAE Systems. Her
research interests include cybersecurity,
software assurance, and biometrics.
Kaufman has a PhD in electrical engineering
from the University of Virginia.
Contact her at
tools and
methods for 21st
century science.
for print and online
Subscribe to CiSE online at and

References:- 5

Citations:-  2350

did i read it?

Yes i read the whole article because it is of just 4 pages which gives a fruitful knowledge about the data security in cloud computing.


Credible evidence

In the earlier week class we discussed about to check the credibility of a paper by using different source of information.we also got a graph from our class work by giving our views on different sources which are used to find some paper or journal.this graph is given below.



we can see in it that books touch a hike in this graph.but i use the the internet to find my blogs work which is to find two articles.these two articles and proof for it is to be credible are given below.

BioSWR – Semantic Web Services Registry for Bioinformatics

this is the article of my interest because i inserted in biology and their area and also inserted to find its relation with other fields like computer.this article is about to use web service to register data for bioinformatics.

  • how i found it.

i found it on the plosone website which i think is a good site for reading something new in every field this web site is quite credible because it is a is a peer-reviewed open access scientific journal published by the Public Library of Science (PLOS) since 2006. It is the world’s largest journal by number of papers published. It covers primary research from any discipline within science and medicine.

  • when it was written

this website gives the full information about the article like for this

Received: May 6, 2014; Accepted: August 21, 2014; Published: September 18, 2014

  • who it was written by

this article is written by

Dmitry Repchevsky, Josep Ll. Gelpi

i think it is a credible evidence because it gives the link to further information about the authors.

  • where it was published or what type of ‘thing’ it is

it was published on the plosone website and it is an academic journal.

  • what others have said about it (reviews).

it has 902 views and which are increasing rapidly.

  • whether others have used the information in their own work (citations)

This type of information is not available on the website.

  • how it is written (style)

The style of writing is not available but it gives te information about the editor.

Editor: Yu Xue, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China.

i also attach the screenshot of the information which is given on the website about thich article which shows its credible.





A Computer-Assisted 3D Model for Analyzing the Aggregation of Tumorigenic Cells Reveals Specialized Behaviors and Unique Cell Types that Facilitate Aggregate Coalescence

This is my second article of interest. this is a 4D computer-assisted reconstruction and motion analysis system, J3D-DIAS 4.1, and applied it to the reconstruction and motion analysis of tumorigenic cells in a 3D matrix.

  • how i found it.

i found it on the plosone website which i think is a good site for reading something new in every field this web site is quite credible because it is a is a peer-reviewed open access scientific journal published by the Public Library of Science (PLOS) since 2006. It is the world’s largest journal by number of papers published. It covers primary research from any discipline within science and medicine.

The all of the question answers are clear from the screen shots given below because i found that article also from the same website and i think it is credible.screen shots explain everything about it.




The other pics related to article which shows the credibility of the article



 Fig 1. 3D culture and image acquisition systems



Fig 2. 3D reconstructions of preparations of the non-tumorigenic cell line MCF-10A.


Fig 3. 3D reconstructions of preparations of the tumorigenic cell line MB-435-Br1.


Fig 4. A “dervish” cell (red) released by an MB-435-Br1 aggregate after 140 hours, moves in a swirling manner along an erratic path through the Matrigel, extending pseudopodia (yellow) from multiple projections.

I think these type of evidences are enough to prove something credible.


Case Study

What is Case Study?

According to Wikipedia,”a case study is a research method involving an up-close, in-depth, and detailed examination of a subject of study. The “case” being studied may be an individual, organization, event, or action, existing in a specific time and place.

According to my point of view, a case study is a in depth study about person, events, decisions, periods, projects, policies, institutions. the area of case study research is  comprehensive. Because someone have to study holistically by one or more method for case study.

How could it be used in IT Research?

In my mind, case study play vital role in IT research. The benefits of case study are following:-

Turn Your Product into a Story

I think case study is like a story. For example, an IT organisation want to design a software. So first of all , they will introduces a typical format to the clients. Then they will fills you in on the problems that they will encounter. So then an organisation can find solution and make a better software for clients.

Peer-to-Peer Influence

One of the most obvious benefits of using case studies is that they represent the view of your customers and clients, not your company. Blog posts and other types of content that come directly from your marketing team are often viewed by professionals. Case studies come from the mouth of the consumer, so they act as a third party endorsement of your brand. Including direct quotes can add even more credibility.

What kinds of questions might it be useful for?

In my mind, Case Study research widely used to answer the questions that are necessary to solve the most of problems into organisations. As i mentioned earlier, Case study is in-depth study of something. So we find solution to sort out the problems. Moreover, we can analyse the nature of problems.

What are the weaknesses of the approach?

We can watch a video that i have uploaded into my blog post. Furthermore, there are some more limitations of case study are following:-

a) Case study is generally based on context-specific knowledge rather than a general knowledge.

b) it is difficult to summarize the case study into general proportions and theories.

c) Case study is just useful for first phase of research.

Typical Answres

Which of these two laptops gives the best performance?

we know in IT industry, technology is changing day by everybody has to be updated with the technology if he wants to be a professional .in the fields of computers and laptops ,new technology is introduced everyday.the performance of a laptop is depend on its hardware and software includes the following hardware parts by which we find which one is of best quality.

  • processor
  • hard drive
  • ram
  • graphic card and so on



The other important part is software which includes the latest type of software’s used in a should have to be with the latest soft wares if he wants to work professionally.the software part mainly includes the following thins in it.

  • windows
  • latest word processor
  • antivirus
  • media players

i am discussing the basic ones but there is a very big area of software the end i say the latest one is best one because technology always develop best after old.

Are virtual worlds like Second Life useful for teaching?

online virtual world such as second life is quite useful in learning and teaching both and also its very popular in these days specially in higher studies.its the way to mix and match real world educational activities with virtual world events.there is a picture which shows a virtual classroom.



the other main fact of virtual study is that online virtual worlds can contribute to the social aspects of distance learning, improve student engagement, and enhance students’ experience as a whole.

Why don’t many school students (16-18yrs old) choose to study IT at Polytechnic or University?

This question need some research to get an answer because its not an individual approach question every student has different reasons to not to take IT in higher studies.these reasons may be related to various issues like- its difficult and need much attention,its expensive,their is not any good college near the hometown etc .

so we can get the required answer by doing a survey and ask the students about their opinions.



Which ISP in NZ gives the best value for money?

I think it is much better if we explain the situation or we can say the need of someone for which purpose he use the internet.but the basic fundamentals by which we compare the two ISP which are given below.

  1. top performers
  2. reliability
  3. customer service
  4. switching providers
  5. fibre satisfaction
  6. value for money

but our question forces on the value for again depends upon the situation like it is used for business purpose or for personal home use or for any other .different budget is set for different situations.

How do I feel about trying to work with slow internet speeds?

I think this question globally has the same answer which is that nobody likes the slow internet speed even if he is professional or just a regular internet user because slow speed annoying everybody.people like the high speed internet which is improving day by day like 3g technology gives a drastic change to the mobile we can say everybody has the same opinion about that question.



What are the main security issues associated with ‘cloud computing’?

his question involves a research on specific topic of cloud computing.this research comes under the category of scientific research.i found some of the issues related to cloud computing security.these are given below.

  1. data breaches
  2. data loss
  3. account or service traffic hijacking
  4. insecure APIs
  5. denial of service
  6. malicious insiders
  7. abuse of cloud services
  8. insufficient due diligence
  9. shared technology




Form 1

The term Form 1 is suggested about a new technology or we can say a revolution in printing industry.we used to deal with the printers in our daily work life.the print comes is on the paper in 2 dimensional form.but the Form 1 is far advanced from makes the printing in three dimensions like a solid real life helps us to create our own physical product based on our custom design,

Form 1 is that type of 3D printer in the market which costs 2799$ .this product helps an individual to create their own design shows a new future for creative people or we can say This is the future where personal productivity and creativity are maximized.

Th picture is shown below
